I'm a FAN! It all started when i was just looking for a book to buy in a bookstore (duh?, where else?!) There were this thick black and red books piled meticulously on a table in the middle of the store with no summary or description of what's it all about. It got me curious because of the reviews and bought it. I read it for a few days, loved the story and then saw the trailer of the movie TWILIGHT, heard the characters' names, vampires, Forks and then, i saw the light..I was reading the third book of the series. I didn't immediately read the first two books after seeing TWILIGHT. I had to get the last one and just recently before the movie, NEW MOON came out, i was eager enough to read the first two books of the series. So basically, i started the story with ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN, TWILIGHT & finally NEW MOON, i eventually read ECLIPSE & BREAKING DAWN again to make the process right.
I just explained my journey of getting familiar with the story. Sorry for the confusion! :-)
I guess one of the things that got me hooked was the love of Edward and Bella for each other. It gets annoyingly cheezy and stupid at times but it's just amazing to read the intensity of their love. I'm such a hopeless romantic and it's fun to dream of finding my Edward someday. hahaha :D That statement just made me cringe..CORNY! I'm just thinking out loud. I know you're all thinking the same thing!
There's so much more to say about the movie and the book but i have to get going. I'll try to continue this post another time. Tah-tah!
WARNING: Violent reactions are not welcome in this post! ;)
hopfully romantic, nothing wrong with that! ;) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3