I wasn't really planning on looking for a job, i thought i could just take workshops, yoga and pilates classes for the mean time, but i came to my senses that it's better to get paid doing something. I started sending out my applications 2 weeks ago, then i got a call from a company, scheduled an interview and exam, took the exam and had the interview, passed the interview and exam, had another interview with an HR personnel, passed that interview, had another interview with the supervisor, passed that interview and finally, i was told to wait for their call to schedule another interview with their manager. Whew! Boy, that was a long process! I had fun though, the hardest part was the IT exam, it was a 65 item exam full of IT terms that i really had know idea about! hahaha :-) It was just a mandatory exam, it doesn't really affect my over-all score. After six hours in their office, i was finally able to go home and take another call from another company. They scheduled me for an interview the next day, went to that interview, took the exam, final interview and then the job offer. I was in a state of shock after that. I had no plans of signing a contract, but i did. hahaha :-) They had a good offer and the people were very nice. I was officially employed last Thursday, March 11, 2010. I prepared all the requirements the next day, Friday, that was a long day, i had to go around the metro just to get my TIN, SSS and medical exam. I'm almost done with everything. I'm currently in training. I am having a great time. I have new friends and learning a lot. I wake up at 4:30 in the morning everyday. Surprisingly, i'm getting used to it and not really having a hard time adjusting to the early start of my day. The evenings are harder because my eyes gets heavy at only 7 o'clock. So far, everything is going great in the career part. I still have a few documents to submit on Monday, no biggie, i got everything under control. :-)
Next big change in my life,, hahaha :-) Wish granted --- click the link to know my wish!
Thank you mommy and Leon for making me really really happy! hahaha :-)
Now, i'm waiting for my mom to go online and tell her all the details of my two weeks career hunting. I wasn't able to talk to her last week because i got too lazy to go online. I got addicted to playing sims and ignored her. BAD!!! I'm going to make-up for it this evening. So, mom..Please go online now! :D Til next time. I'm going to look for pictures now for this post!
Leon and I are happy finding your excitement over the MAC pro than anything else! Keep safe and healthy. Much love from both of us. <3
ReplyDeleteI am glad to know that you are excited about your job training!!! Best luck and keep safe and healthy. Much love, Mommy <3